Friday 25 April 2008

Being too Religious...

Ok, so i've had a little saying which I refer to amongst my close friends which is "Crazy Christians". It's not an open-attack on Christianity itself, despite the fact that I have some serious issues with this religion... and the least of which is the fact that it sold itself it to conquer the world. Seriously what self-respecting religion sells it self to get bums in seats? When did belief become more interested with numbers than a university eh? Not to say that religion shouldn't suit the times - I mean we understand the patriarchal influences and agenda that plagued and shaped the model for religions in the past - we know that White men used religion as another mode of power and they abused it for their own uses. But what about the crazy people who don't know this?

What about these nut-jobs who think that by blowing themselves up they'll wake up surrounded by virgins who think they're legitimately great people and that by killing a bunch of people who didn't do anything to them they have achieved some great, higher purpose?

I think there's a difference between being religious and being stupid - its when you mix the two together than everything goes to hell (like the pun eh?). Seriously what greater divine being would want you to run around murdering people? Thats not a heavenly God thats a malicious devil. There's no glory in massacre only shame.

I have no problem with religion and belief, but I do ask that 1) it makes a bit of sense and 2) people who practice it learn what a metaphor is.

Fanatics are EVERYWHERE ***shifty-eyes***

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