Tuesday 22 April 2008

Anti-Social Behaviour

We've all seen and witnessed it. Some of us undoubtedly have participated in it - but why are people anti-social so wantonly?

Have you ever walked up to your local shop and see a small (or sometimes big) gang of youths hanging around the entrance, littering, swearing and talking in a dialectal slang so thick you could walk on it? I know I have, they speak another language, they start fights with people who look vulnerable and they're generally abusive to anyone and more recently they've been dubbed as "Chav's" but also go by the names of Townies, Neds and Scallies.

Chav's are more than just assholes who annoy people though. They're an element of youth culture and with it they bring their own style, dress-sense and (lack of?) morals. But what is the underlying force behind this phenomenom?

Glorified bully's and seen by many as a plague on society Chav's torment and ridicule everyone and anyone including other Chav's. Some approaches to explaining this rise in anti-social behaviour tackle it from from Darwinism approach of survival of the fitest. But surely this natural selection theory is dependent upon context - the fittest people to survive in one climate differ from that of a different climate, so what is it in today's society that makes the physcological makeup of a Chav? Or is it just bordom and a lack of discipline and stimulae that breeds these aggressive super-bullies?

Darwin Theory

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