Thursday 1 May 2008

Comment to Denise Williams blog about 'Bad Religion'

Link to relevent blog

Obviously, like anyone who enjoys a bit of piece of quite and dislikes being harrassed I'm not of a fan of people who try to convert me. But I would say there is a difference between someone trying to convert you and someone trying to help you improve your life and the lives of those around you - its just a shame that religions (particularly Christianity) has driven its focus on the former and not the latter.

I found it interesting that you spoke of Christmas "loosing its meaning" - it never had one! The Christmas holiday was 'stolen' from the Pagan Yule-tide. Jesus was rumoured to of been born on the 25th of December and the holiday long ago ceased to be a celebration of 'Our Saviours' life and became more about the contractual aggreement of 'gift' giving - (You'll have the chance to explore that in 'It Shouldn't Be Allowed' at level two, its called The Danger of Reciprocity).

I also shared some of my light-hearted views on antiquated religious beliefs in my blog. I think there is a lot religion should change if it wants to grow back to where it was. Only now perhaps we should make religion more about love and peace as opposed to its past of violence, hatred and dogma.

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