Tuesday 4 March 2008

The Glorification of Smoking

I should admit right now that I smoked for years when I was younger. I first tried a cigarrette at around 8 years old, in my parents kitchen, in front of all my dads mates by taking a drag off my dads cigarrette - they all thought it was hilarious; looking back now I don't think it was.

But why do people smoke? Knowing that it can cause disease amongst the other numerous problems health-groups and watchdogs claim (aging of the skin etc) what is the appeal of cigarrettes. I think its a fairly accurate assumption that most people start smoking when they're young now-a-days. Most people, if being honest, will admit they first tried a cigarrette at school, or with there peers/friends when they were young. I know, outside of the experience in my dads kitchen, that I did.

I thought it was cool to smoke, so despite the disgusting taste and the expense of it I tried my hardest to get 'fags' as often as possible and smoked socially. It was more than just something to do when I was bored, it was an image and and it was a statement of rebellion. But why did I think like that? Was it because of the glorification of smoking on television? How many films feature a character smoking in them and how often is that character cast as being a cool person whom we are supposed to look up to? Was it because of my dad's smoking habit that I tried to emulate him in some misguided sense of hero-worship?

No matter why I started smoking there is one thing I can be sure of - quitting was one of the best things I ever did. I've got more money, I'm in a healthier, fitter (more productive, comfortable... sorry Radiohead moment) and better smelling person for it - I'd recommend taking that stage of dedication to anyone and everyone - smoking is bad mmm'kay?

Smoking IS Cool!

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