Wednesday 27 February 2008

The Most Commonly Accepted Drug Today is Alcohol...

It seems like the deep bred stupidity that only us humans seem to have truely mastered could allow us to accept alcohol as a suitable and even encouraged social drug when it really is the most anti-social and disruptive force on our lives.

As a volunteer 'wagon-rider' I can honestly say nothing annoys me more than when someone I go out for a night with insists that I have a drink with them to "have a good time" or some fun. I can't speak for everyone but I'm going to anyway - YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET DRUNK TO HAVE FUN OK? Honestly why do people feel that the only way they can enjoy themselves is to drink rediculously expensive beverages in stupidly large quantities, then loose control of their own basic motorskills, and apparently, commonsense and make a complete idiot out of themselves before stumbling home, picking up some disgusting takeaway that barely meets the requirements to hold the title of 'Food' and passing out in their beds, or over the toilet throwing up. They then wake up in the morning/afternoon with a blinding headache and extreme sensitivity to light and do nothing productive for a whole day whilst swearing they'll never drink again only to repeat the process the next weekend, or in somecases the same night or a few days later.

The worst is the people who feel that having a few "bevvies at the local" is the great way to start a night and then hurling abuse at people and starting a fight with a complete stranger for no real, good reason is part of a good night out.

The sooner people learn that life isn't just about getting wasted on the weekends and working in a job you hate for the other 5 days the sooner society can unshackle itself from these useless and silly cultural norms and progress forward towards some other common goals like, oh i don't know, happiness.

Save yourself - Talk to Frank!

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