Sunday 4 May 2008

Fighting IS Entertaining.

There is a certain kind of feeling you get from being in a brawl or a fight with someone. From the simple feeling of winning an all out screaming contest with someone in your family to smacking the idiot you just cut you up in the face.

Humans are a volitile and aggressive species by nature. I don't think there has been any point in time when one country, tribe, people or race haven't been fighting another be it religiously, economically or vendetta based people fight other people. They always have and they always will but what about fighting as a sport and a mode of entertainment?

Watching a fight is almost as fun as being in a fight - in my opinion. But before I'm misunderstood or judged prematurely I should state that I don't find a group of people beating up a single person purely because they can and there are more of them than there are of the other fun. That's bullying its not fighting - that's what America does to the Middle-East and its not admirable or entertaining. But seeing two people solve their differences in a contest of strength has a certain, old, tradional and pure feeling to it.

I'm a massive fan of and active participant in a sport called MMA - also known as 'Cage Fighting' - a name I dislike because of the negative connotations it carries with it; but that's not something I'm going to get into here and now as its off subject and to be frank i'm quite tired of having to defend my sport against the slander and misinformed arrogant opinions of idiots who have no idea what they're talking about - and the funniest thing about that is a LOT of them are boxers would you believe?!

But to get back on the subject - fighting is natural and its entertaining - I prefer it to be monitored and maintained as a sport rather than a street event which any idiot can get involved and in that sense I think its the greatest and purest sport on the planet. 2 men or women, who have spent years learning to fight properly and effectively and months preparing there physical conditioning for this one fight, this one battle where they either win or lose but no matter what the result they give everything they have both mentally and physically in one 15minute fight and leave with no bitterness and no regrets. If wars were fought in a cage with a refereee we'd have no need for a military and the world could maintain its constant state of war without anyone ever dying as an effect of it.

MMA: The Bastard Sport?

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